Building a community where we can all thrive

April 18, 2024

Building our community together

HurstWorks is designed to provide you with a comfortable, productive, and collaborative environment where you can work on your projects, network with other members, and enjoy our various amenities and events.

As a member of HurstWorks, we ask you to abide by the following code of conduct, which aims to ensure a safe, inclusive, and respectful atmosphere for everyone. Please read it carefully and follow it at all times.

  • Respect boundaries

We value diversity and inclusion in HurstWorks. We welcome members of different backgrounds, identities, orientations, abilities, and opinions. We ask you to treat everyone with kindness, courtesy, and professionalism. Do not engage in any form of harassment, discrimination, or intimidation towards other members or members of the HurstWorks or High Street Coworking team.

If you witness or experience any form of harassment or inappropriate behaviour in HurstWorks, please report it to the staff immediately. We will take appropriate action to address the situation and ensure your safety and comfort.

  • Keep noise down

We understand that co-working spaces can be noisy at times… ???? However, we ask you to be mindful of the noise level you create and how it affects other members. If you need to make an extended phone call, use a focus booth, find a quiet spot in our space or even take a walk. During group or teamwork, remember to keep noise to a respectful level because other people are using the same space for individual work. Use headphones to play music instead of blaring it from speakers.

If you are bothered by the noise level in HurstWorks, please feel free to use earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones. You can also ask the staff for assistance if the noise becomes an issue.

  • Stick to the schedule

We appreciate your punctuality and reliability in HurstWorks. Please stick to the schedule you have booked for your workstation or meeting room. By prolonging your session or taking too long to wrap up a call, you are probably causing a delay for everyone else who needs to use that rented space. If you need to extend your booking time, please check with the staff first and pay any additional fees if applicable.

Please also respect the opening and closing hours of HurstWorks. Do not arrive too early or stay too late without prior permission from the staff. We need time to clean and maintain the space for your convenience and safety.

  • Clean up after yourself

We take pride in keeping HurstWorks clean and tidy.

We ask you to do the same by cleaning up after yourself. No one likes dealing with a mess left behind by a previous coworker, so make sure to toss your coffee cup and spare napkins before leaving. Use the bins provided for your rubbish and recycling. If you spill something on the floor or furniture, please wipe it up immediately. If you use any dishes or utensils from the kitchen area, please wash them and put them back where they belong.

Please keep your belongings on your own hotdesk and avoid taking up other members’ space.

  • Use your common sense

We trust everyone to use common sense and good judgment in HurstWorks. As a general rule, treat the space like you would want it to be treated. This means eating only in designated areas, brushing up on the visitor policy and smoking outside. And while this should go without saying, avoid discriminatory behavior and harassment toward your fellow freelancers—it’s their space too.

  • Be friendly and supportive

We believe that co-working is more than just sharing a physical space. It is also about building a community of like-minded people who can support each other in their work and life goals. We encourage you to be friendly and supportive towards other members in HurstWorks.

Introduce yourself when you meet someone new. Share your skills and expertise when you can. Join our events and activities to network and socialize. Give feedback and suggestions to improve HurstWorks. Celebrate your achievements and milestones with us.

We hope that you enjoy your time in HurstWorks and find it an energizing, creative, yet safe and inclusive community. Thank you for being a part of it!

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